Scuola del Santo

Padova      piazza del Santo n. 11      routes


The Confraternity of St. Anthony obtained the permission of building a chapel for their meetings, the so called “Scoletta”, in the parvis of the Basilica of St. Anthony, next to the Oratory of St. George. In 1504 the oratory was raised so the meetings took place on the upper floor which was decorated with frescoes, except for three oil-paintings, with the miracles of St. Anthony.

The artists in charge of the decoration were Bartolomeo Montagna, Girolamo Dal Santo, Francesco Vecellio and his brother Tiziano, at his first independent work from his supposed master Giorgione in the terra firma (mainland). Tiziano frescoed the episodes of St. Antony makes a newborn baby speak to attest to the honesty of his mother, The jealous husband stabs his wife to death and The Saint reattaches a young man’s foot.

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Opening time:

10:00 - 12:00 / 15:00 - 17:00.


Single price euro 3,00; reduced prices for groups up 10 people, reduced price euro 2,50.

It is possible to have an unique ticket including the visit of the Oratory of St. George and the Scuola del Santo. Single price euro 5,00; reduced prices for groups up 10 people, reduced price euro 4,00.

Telephone number 049/8225652.